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The Zoom Masquerade

Rowoon and Julie: The Zoom Masquerade, is a modernised version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, telling the story of two lovers trying to find each other during a masquerade on Zoom during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Promotional Video
Play Video


The performance will start with a short-scripted section where the audience is welcomed into the world of the play, a few of the key characters are introduced and the rules of the performance are outlined. Over the course of the performance, there will be three rounds of music, where the audience is encouraged to dance on camera, show off their masks and catch the eye of the Host. Following each round of dancing, the guests will be split into breakout rooms, where they can mix and mingle with the other attendees.


Over the ball’s three breaks, the audience members will be split into breakout rooms with one for 5 characters, who will explain their side of the story and improv with the audience. The audience can choose to help the different characters or try and stop them. Based on the audience’s actions and choices, one of several endings can occur.

공연 개요

공연은 관객들을 공연의 세계로 초대하여 각 캐릭터를 소개하고 공연의 규칙을 설명하는 짧은 섹션으로 시작됩니다. 공연이 진행되는 동안 카메라 앞에서 춤을 추고 마스크를 뽐내고, 시선을 사로잡기 위한 음악이 세 차례 흘러나올 것입니다.  각 음악이 끝난 후 관객들은 다른 이들과 어울릴 수 있는 소회의실로 나누어지게 될 것입니다. 

세번의 쉬는 시간 동안 사람들은 스토리를 설명하고 관객들과 즉흥으로 이야기를 만들어나갈 다섯명의 캐릭터가 각각 있는 방으로 나뉘게 됩니다. 관객은 다른 캐릭터를 도울 수도 있고 그들의 행동을 막을 수도 있습니다. 관객의 선택과 행동에 따라 다양한 엔딩 중 하나로 공연이 막을 내립니다.

play outline
how it works


Mock Poster Nov 19.png

The poster for the play

Each audience member will purchase a ticket for the performance, off the GSC Group 5 website (to be created). After doing so, each audience member will be mailed an official invitation to the Zoom Masquerade, along with a masquerade mask to wear during the event. Guests are also welcome and encouraged to customize their masks as desired. Different audience members will be mailed different masks, with different colours and designs to match one of the play’s various characters. The audience will also be emailed a zoom link and a file containing several zoom backgrounds to use during the performance. These backgrounds display different areas of a ballroom: the buffet, the dance floor, the hidden hallways and corridors, etc.

관객은 GCS 5 그룹의 웹사이트에서 티켓을 구매할 것입니다 (홈페이지 구축 예정). 그 후 공연동안 착용할 마스크 디자인과 함께 zoom 가면무도회의 공식 초대장을 받게 됩니다. 관객은 마스크를 본인이 원하는 대로 꾸밀 수 있습니다. 관객들은 각각 다른 디자인- 극 중 캐릭터 한 명과 일치하는 컬러와 디자인의 마스크를 받을 것입니다. 또 공연에 참여할 수 있는 줌 링크와 함께 공연 중 사용할 수 있는 배경화면도 함께 받게 됩니다. 그 배경화면들은 연회장, 무도회장, 그리고 숨겨진 복도 등의 다른 공간을 나타냅니다.


The audience's masks

At the performance start time, the audience members will click the zoom link and be greeted by the Host of the Masquerade/Zoom call. Once everyone arrives, a short, scripted section shall be performed, where the event’s schedule and rules are laid out. The schedule and rules will also be outlined in the email previously sent to the audience.


The Zoom Masquerade

The audience rules are as follow:

  1. Please keep your camera on during the performance.

  2. Please keep your mic off during the main call.

  3. Audience members may turn on their mics when in breakout rooms, but they must be muted again once the breakout room ends.

  4. Audience members are welcomed to use the reactions, filters and chat to interact with the performance.

  5. No profanity, slurs, sexist, homophobic, racist or otherwise offence language is allowed in the chat.

  6. While your camera is on, please refrain from any offensive or vulgar actions.

  7. Do no harass the actors when interacting during the performance.

  8. Audience members who do not follow the rules outlined above, may be kicked out of the performance at the Host and actors’ discretion.

공연 관람 시 관객들이 준수해야 할 점 : 

  1. 공연 중 카메라를 킨 상태로 유지해주십시오.

  2. 메인 콜 때는 마이크를 꺼 주시길 부탁 드립니다.

  3. 소회의실에서는 마이크를 킬 수 있으나 이후에는 다시 뮤트해주셔야 합니다. 

  4. 공연 중 필터나 채팅을 통한 리액션은 환영합니다.

  5. 욕설, 비방, 성 차별, 동성애 혐오, 인종 차별 등의 공격적 언어 사용을 금지합니다. 

  6. 여러분의 카메라가 켜져있는 동안에는 모욕적이거나 저속한 행위는 삼가주십시오.

  7. 공연 중 상호 소통이 이루어질 때 배우를 방해하거나 괴롭히지 말아주십시오. 

  8. 위 사항을 준수하지 않는 관객은 주최자와 배우 재량에 따라 강퇴당할 수 있습니다.

Structure of the play.jpg

The structure of the play

Finally, the performance will begin. The audience members will be guided through the experience by our actors and the Host. During the dancing portions, music will be played, and the audience is encouraged to dance, and move around on camera. During the breakout rooms, audience members can chat to the actors and the other audience members. At the end of the performance, the Host will thank the audience for their participation and the call will end. After the performance, the audience will be emailed a package containing footage from the event.

마지막으로 공연이 시작됩니다. 관객은 배우, 호스트의 행동을 따르게 됩니다. 음악이 연주되고 관객은 춤을 추고 카메라 앞에서 행동합니다. 소회의실에서는 극중 캐릭터 혹은 다른 관객들과 대화할 수 있습니다. 이후 관객들의 참여에 감사한다는 말을 전하며 공연이 종료됩니다. 이후 관객은 영상이 포함된 패키지를 메일로 받게 됩니다.




Play moodboard 

Character Sheets


Name: Rowoon Kim

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

Occupation: University Student

Language(s) Spoken: English, Korean


Personality Traits

  • Confident

  • Stubborn

  • Idealistic 



  • Video games

  • Parties 

  • Webcomics



  • Isolation

  • Authority

  • Spiders

Objective: To reconnect with Juliet (Julie), and pursue a relationship with her



Juliet: Rowoon met Julie during a game of Among Us. They hit it off immediately, discussing their shared love of video games and pop culture in the ghost chat. However, their game was disconnected from the server before they could exchange contact details. Rowoon hopes to reconnect with Julie and ask her out.


Mercutio: Rowoon and Mi-jae have been best friends since childhood. They are always there for each other, through thick and thin. Rowoon has brought Mi-jae as back up, to help him find Julie. 


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Look for Julie

  • Send messages looking for Julie

  • Compliment different girls

  • Show off his mask

  • Try to impress the other guests


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Ask the other guests if they’ve played Among Us

  • Ask the other guests if they recognize the username Moongirl369 (Julie’s Username)

  • Ask the other guests if they know anything about Julie

  • Ask the other guests to look for Julie and to let him know if they find anything

  • Ask the other guests to find Julie and tell her that he is looking for her

Name: Julie Michaels

Age: 20

Ethnicity: Canadian

Occupation: University Student

Language(s) Spoken: English


Personality Traits

  • Kind

  • Intelligent 

  • Shy



  • Video games

  • Novels

  • Rain



  • Large Crowds

  • Parties

  • Snakes



  • To try and make new friends

  • (Once Rowoon reveals himself) To reconnect with Rowoon




Romeo: Julie and Rowoon met during a game of Among Us. They instantly bonded in the ghost chat, discussing their favorite games and books. However, their game disconnected before they could exchange contact info. And while Julie was to shy to try and find Rowoon herself, she is excited at the prospect of meeting him again. 


Tybalt: Tyla is Julie’s cousin. They are extremely close, and Julie looks up to Tyla as a role model and an older sister. Julie confides in Tyla for everything, and Tyla always tries to push Julie beyond her comfort zone. 


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Try not to draw too much attention to themselves

  • Complementing everyone’s dancing in the chat

  • Using lots of emojis

  • Looking for Rowoon


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Asking if anyone has played Among Us

  • Asking if anyone recognizes the username RedBoiSus (Rowoon’s username) 

  • Asking the other guests if they know Rowoon or have met him

  • Asking the other guests to try and locate or find Rowoon for her


Name: Veronica Lee

Age: 22

Ethnicity: Canadian

Occupation: University Student

Language(s) Spoken: English


Personality Traits:

  • Friendly

  • Anxious

  • Organized



  • Socializing

  • Music

  • Theater



  • Disorder

  • Isolation

  • Knock-off designer brands


Objective: To gain some semblance of normality in the age of COVID-19



Friar: Friar and Veronica are sisters, with a “frenemy” relationship. They love and support each other, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get on each others’ nerves. Lately their relationship has been especially strained, since they are stuck together at home during quarantine. Veronica is hoping that by hosting a zoom masquerade, both sisters can get a taste of socialization that they’ve been missing.


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Enforcing the rules

  • Observing the festivities

  • Guiding confused guests

  • Encouraging the guests to dance and have fun

  • Try to maintain control


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Make small talk with the guests

  • Complain about COVID

  • Complain about Friar

  • Try to encourage the guests to have fun and interact with each other

  • Express concern about Rowoon and Friar bringing chaos to the event

Name: Fredericka “Friar” Lee

Age: 23

Ethnicity: Canadian

Occupation: Unemployed

Language(s) Spoken: English


Personality Traits:

  • Mischievous

  • Sardonic

  • Carefree



  • Parties

  • Practical Jokes

  • Milk Tea



  • Rules

  • Romance

  • Snow


Objective: To help her sister deal with the stress of COVID and relax




The Host: Veronica is Friar’s sister. They have a very strong love-hate relationship, that has only been intensified by being stuck together during quarantine. Lately, Friar feels that the lack of socialization is getting to her sister. And while she wants to support Veronica and her event, Friar is worried she’s taking this too seriously and need to relax. 


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Dancing wildly

  • Making silly faces, close to the camera

  • Trying to distract the other guests

  • Playing with props

  • Spamming the chat

  • Using plenty of emojis 

  • Generally trying to annoy the host


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Make small talk with the other guests 

  • Encourage the other guests to spam the chat and use emojis

  • Express worry about the Host

  • Complain about the Host

  • Ask the guests if they’ve been talking to the other guests/learning about the other characters and their story


Name: Mi-jae Choi

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

Occupation: University Student

Language(s) Spoken: Korean, English


Personality Traits:

  • Cheerful

  • Outgoing

  • Laidback



  • Parties

  • Street Fashion

  • Cartoons



  • Studying

  • Slow Internet

  • Buzzkills



  • To help Rowoon find Julie

  • To flirt with everyone



Romeo: Rowoon and Mi-jae have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Mi-jae is always there to help Rowoon out and to encourage him. Mi-jae is determined to help Rowoon find this mysterious girl he can’t stop gushing about.


Tybalt: Mi-jae thinks Tyla is annoying and is angry at her for trying to keep Rowoon and Julie apart. She will encourage everyone to help her annoy Tyla by spamming the chat with the phrase “You can’t stop true love”. 


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Dancing wildly

  • Enjoying the music

  • Complementing the other guests on their dance skills, masks, looks, etc.


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Asking the other guests if they’ve met Julie

  • Asking the other guests if they’ve met Rowoon

  • Telling the other guests about Rowoon’s quest

  • Flirting with the other guests

  • Asking the other guests to aid in finding Julie

  • Asking the other guests to annoy Tyla by spamming the chat with the phrase “You can’t stop true love”

Name: Tyla Michaels

Age: 23

Ethnicity: Canadian

Occupation: Grocery Cashier 

Language(s) Spoken: English


Personality Traits:

  • Sarcastic

  • Straightforward

  • Blunt



  • Socializing

  • Coffee

  • Music (all genres)



  • Romance novels

  • Video Games

  • Itchy sweaters



  • To help Julie come out of her shell

  • To keep Rowoon away from Julie




Juliet: Julie is Tyla’s cousin. They have been close friends from a young age. Tyla always tries to look out for Julie and has her best interests at heart. Lately, Tyla is worried that quarantine is too isolating for Julie, and is trying to get her to socialize more, through digital mediums.


Romeo: While Tyla wants Julie to get out more, she doesn’t trust Rowoon, given how he lives on the opposite side of the world and how he’s eager to pursue a romantic relationship after one meeting. Tyla will try to keep Rowoon away from Julie and annoy him by spamming the chat with the phrase “A no scrubs space”. 


Actions and Behaviours:


During the Dance:

  • Observing the festivities

  • Keeping an eye on Julie

  • Spamming the chat

  • Trying to convince the Host to boot Rowoon from the event


During the Breakout Rooms:

  • Small talk with the other guest

  • Asking the other guests if they’ve spoken to Julie

  • Discussing how nice and amazing Julie is

  • Asking the other guests if they’ve spoken to Rowoon

  • Asking the other guests to keep Rowoon away from Julie

  • Asking the other guests to spam the chat with the phrase “a no scrubs space”.

Possible Endings

  1. Rowoon and Julie get together and exchange contact information

  2. Rowoon and Julie leave the event without having met

  3. The Friar wins and takes over the Zoom call, kicking out the Host

  4. The Host wins and concludes the Zoom call

  5. Rowoon and Julie meet, but Tyla convinces Julie that Rowoon is not the right person for her. Julie leaves and Rowoon is heartbroken

  6. Rowoon and Julie meet, but Rowoon realises that Julie is not the right person for him. Rowoon leaves and Julie is heartbroken



The face masks were inspired by traditional Western theatre and masquerade masks as well as Korean masks used in talchum dance performances. Each character has their own color scheme, so it is easy to differentiate them. The colors all have meanings in Korean and Western cultures; the symbolism is associated with the characters’ personality traits and their role in the story. The materials used to make the masks would be satin, lace, organza, sequins, pearls, and crystal studs.


Number of audience members: 20 to 25

Locations: Toronto, Seoul

Age: 20 to 30

Occupations: Students, young professionals

Languages spoken: English, Korean

Personality traits: Outgoing, enthusiastic, decisive, expressive, sociable, creative

Interests: Improv, interactive theatre, escape rooms, interactive games, romance movies and series

Main goal: To experience a theatrical performance where they can influence the outcome of the story and interact with the actors and other audience members

Secondary goals: To discover new styles of theatrical performances, to have fun, to spend time with friends, to meet new people

Previous experiences: Escape rooms, improv clubs, interactive theatre

Devices, digital media, and social media: Phone, computer (Zoom), Instagram, Youtube, Live streams, Netflix 

Pain points: Wi-fi connection, cost, language

Target audience
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